• Your Local Fayetteville and Elizabethtown Area Eye Experts

Cataract Surgery

Cataract Surgery in Fayetteville

A cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye. The lens is the part of the eye responsible for focusing light onto the retina. Those who have cataracts will experience blurry vision and may lose their sight completely. Cataracts are actually the leading cause of blindness in the world. Colors oftentimes look faded when a person has them. Glare may occur when people look at headlights, sunlight or even lamps. It’s possible for people with cataracts to have difficulty seeing at night, and they may experience double vision. By the time people reach the age of 80, over half of all Americans have had a cataract or have one. Cataract Surgery is the only cure for Cataracts!

Surgical Treatment

To correct cataracts, an ophthalmology surgeon will need to remove the clouded lens. Once removed, the surgeon will replace your lens with an artificial one. The artificial lens acts like a normal, unclouded lens.

Cataract Surgery Process

The surgery is an outpatient procedure, meaning you’ll leave the same day as the surgery. Expect for the procedure to take about an hour. The eye surgeon will give you a local anesthetic to numb the eye. A small incision will be made in the front part of your eye. Using a tool, the surgeon will break up the cataract and suction it through the incision. A new lens comprised of silicone, acrylic or plastic is then inserted. If you have cataracts in both eyes, only one will be done at a time.

Risks of Cataract Surgery

The risks of cataract surgery are minimal. Some people may experience swelling, bleeding or a feeling of pressure inside of the eye. It’s possible for an infection to occur as well as retina detachment, a loose implant, a drooping eyelid or fluid buildup in the eye.

When to Consider Cataract Surgery

Your eye doctor in Fayetteville will monitor how quickly a cataract progresses once you’re diagnosed with one.  In the early stages, symptoms of cataracts are manageable with vision correction measures only.  Keep in mind, even if you receive a diagnosis of a cataract, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have to have surgery right away or ever. You should, however, inform your ophthalmologist or eye doctor when you notice your cataracts are interfering with your life. An ophthalmology specialist in Fayetteville won’t even consider surgery until the cataracts are beginning to become problematic. For instance, until the cataract begins affecting activities such as driving or reading at night, an ophthalmologist usually won’t consider surgery because cataracts tend not to affect the eye until they progress.

Contact Us

To have your eyes examined for cataracts or to discuss the possibility of surgery for your cataracts, contact Carolina Vision Center, serving Fayetteville, Clinton and the surrounding NC area, at 910-485-3937 or online!


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